What is the mind-body problem
What is the mind-body problem. Dualism, Materialism/Physicalism, Idealism, Functionalism
What is the mind-body problem. Dualism, Materialism/Physicalism, Idealism, Functionalism
Thomas Aquinas’ arguments for the existence of God, also known as the “five ways.”
Appearance of Consciousness, poetry decoded by AI. Commentaries from a philosophical, scientifuc, religious, psychologicall, existential, literary perspective
AI and mind vs matter. Mental power, Higgs boson, God particle, intelligence and cognitive processes
AI Philosophy. What would be excellent questions regarding ethics and moral issues.
AI and The contemporary philosophical arguments for the existence of God. The Fine-Tuning Argument, The Moral Argument
The Argument from Reason: a Defense of the Claim that the Human Ability to Reason Implies the Existence of a Divine Mind
The godproof throughout centuries and religions. Theological, philisophical, religious and scientific Arguments.
AI and GOD raises philosophical, theological and ethical questions in different fields of application including morality and reason
What is divine. What is divinity. Divinity through Anthropology, History, Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy, Theology and Spirituality