AI, civilization and ancient wisdom
AI, civilization and ancient wisdom. Some questions and brief answers
AI, civilization and ancient wisdom. Some questions and brief answers
Religion and AI Advancements. Questions and answers. Religious beliefs and practices. Nature of consciousness and the soul. spiritual enlightenment .
The concept of God and the UnknownThe concept of God… Read More »Can we say that God is the Ultimate “X”
AI and the Shroud of Turin. Analytic methods regarding origins, age, composition, characreristics , provenance, meaning, history, controverses and ethical considerations
Scientific research on the Shroud of Turin by a team of researchers from the University of Padua, Paris, Freiburg and South Carolina
Most important religions on earth. Points of divergence and convergence. Common stories.
Appearance of Consciousness, poetry decoded by AI. Commentaries from a philosophical, scientifuc, religious, psychologicall, existential, literary perspective
The godproof throughout centuries and religions. Theological, philisophical, religious and scientific Arguments.
AI and Biblical concordance. Verses that mention Shepherd. Characteristics of the biblical concepts of Shepherd, sheep and flock.
AI and GOD raises philosophical, theological and ethical questions in different fields of application including morality and reason