AI and The Hodge Conjecture
The Hodge ConjectureThe Hodge Conjecture is one of the seven… Read More »AI and The Hodge Conjecture
The Hodge ConjectureThe Hodge Conjecture is one of the seven… Read More »AI and The Hodge Conjecture
… with a philosophical twist In a bustling university town,… Read More »A joke About Differentiation
Understanding pi and the golden ratio through geometry rather than just abstract formalism
Fractal Compression. How it works, implications and applications. Challenges and future directions.
Mandelbrot Set, Fractal AI and its applications. In art and science. Mathematical fractals, natural fractals.
Emotions and Artificial Intelligence. Exploring the boundaries of mathematical psychology.
AI and conversations. Can we teach AI through conversation? Or is it the other way round? Let us ask ChatGPT
Notable figures in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Demis Hassabis, Yann LeCun, Geoffrey Hinton,Fei-Fei Li, Andrew Ng, Judea Pearl, Stuart Russell
Sir Isaac Newton a famous mathematician. His key works, solutions and contributions. Math Mastermind GPT