Transparency, truth, and trust
Transparency, truth, and trust in business, media, politics. Three vital elements of any healthy and functioning society or relationship.
Transparency, truth, and trust in business, media, politics. Three vital elements of any healthy and functioning society or relationship.
AI and conversations. Can we teach AI through conversation? Or is it the other way round? Let us ask ChatGPT
Definition of consciousness in quantum mechanics. Copenhagen interpretation, Mind-body problem, Act of observation, Complexity.
What is the mind-body problem. Dualism, Materialism/Physicalism, Idealism, Functionalism
High vs Low Speed. What is best in general and in terms of technology and hiw to reduce our carbone footprint.
Human neural network vs artificial neural network. Siimilarities and differences. The place of creativity and ethics.
Action versus responsability, two important concepts that are closely related but distinct from each other.