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Rap on clean energy

Rap on clean energy. Solar, wind, tidal, hydro, geothermal, biomass, hydrogen, composting, and thermal

Rap on clean energy

Verse 1:

Let me tell you ’bout a source of energy
That’s clean, renewable, and efficient, it’s the key
To a sustainable future, where we all can thrive
And leave behind the fossil fuels that won’t survive


Clean energy, it’s the way to go
Solar, wind, tidal, and hydro
Geothermal, biomass, hydrogen, composting, and thermal
These sources are clean and good for me and you

Verse 2:

Let’s start with solar, harnessing the sun’s rays
We can power our homes and our cars for days
Then there’s wind, blowing strong and free
We can use it to power our electricity


Clean energy, it’s the way to go
Solar, wind, tidal, and hydro
Geothermal, biomass, hydrogen, composting, and thermal
These sources are clean and good for me and you

Verse 3:

Tidal energy, using the power of the sea
It’s renewable, predictable, and energy-dense, you see
Hydro, it’s been around for years
Clean, reliable, and scalable, it’s crystal clear


Clean energy, it’s the way to go
Solar, wind, tidal, and hydro
Geothermal, biomass, hydrogen, composting, and thermal
These sources are clean and good for me and you

Verse 4:

Geothermal, tapping into the earth’s heat
It’s a clean, reliable source we can’t beat
Biomass, using waste to make energy
It’s sustainable, carbon-neutral, and a great remedy


Clean energy, it’s the way to go
Solar, wind, tidal, and hydro
Geothermal, biomass, hydrogen, composting, and thermal
These sources are clean and good for me and you

Verse 5:

Finally, hydrogen, a clean fuel of the future
It’s versatile, renewable, and can be used as a suture
To heal our planet and reduce our carbon footprint
Clean energy is the way, let’s get on it!


Clean energy, it’s the way to go
Solar, wind, tidal, and hydro
Geothermal, biomass, hydrogen, composting, and thermal
These sources are clean and good for me and you

Verse 6:

Composting, a source of energy often overlooked
But it’s renewable, sustainable, and can be easily hooked
Into our energy system, to create power from waste
It’s a green solution that we shouldn’t let go to waste


Clean energy, it’s the way to go
Solar, wind, tidal, and hydro
Geothermal, biomass, hydrogen, composting, and thermal
These sources are clean and good for me and you

Verse 7:

Fluctuation of temperature, a source that’s unique
Using temperature differences, we can power the peak
Demand for electricity, without relying on the sun or wind
It’s a promising technology that we should seek to find


Clean energy, it’s the way to go
Solar, wind, tidal, and hydro
Geothermal, biomass, hydrogen, composting, and thermal too
These sources are clean and good for me and you


Clean energy, it’s the future we need
Let’s embrace it now, plant the seed
Of a sustainable future, where we all can thrive
Clean energy is the way, let’s keep it alive!

Rap on clean energy. Solar, wind, tidal, hydro, geothermal, biomass, hydrogen, composting, and thermal
Rap on clean energy. Solar, wind, tidal, hydro, geothermal, biomass, hydrogen, composting, and thermal

Text with help of openAI’s ChatGPT Laguage Models & Fleeky – Images with help of Picsart & MIB

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Fleeky One

Fleeky One

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