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Prompting chatGPT

Prompting chatGPT. Main questions to ask. Categories, prompts and fields of application. Keywords and points of action

Main questions to ask when prompting  chatGPT?

When prompting ChatGPT, consider asking questions that help you achieve your desired outcome while keeping the limitations of the model in mind. Some main questions to ask could include:

  1. What is the purpose of your conversation? Are you looking for general information, seeking advice, or engaging in a casual conversation? Tailor your questions accordingly.
  2. How specific or broad should your question be? While ChatGPT can handle a wide range of topics, it may provide better responses when given more context or specific details.
  3. What level of detail do you want in the response? If you prefer a brief answer, ask for a summary or overview. If you need more depth, request detailed explanations or examples.
  4. How can you frame your question to avoid ambiguity? Make your questions clear and concise to minimize potential misinterpretations.
  5. Are you looking for a creative response? ChatGPT can generate ideas or suggestions, so feel free to ask open-ended or imaginative questions.
  6. Do you need a fact-checked or updated answer? Remember that ChatGPT’s knowledge is based on the information available up to September 2021, so verify any time-sensitive or recent information.
Ultimately, the quality of your interaction with ChatGPT depends on how well you communicate your needs and expectations through your questions.

Table with summary of the main questions to ask when prompting ChatGPT

Question CategoryDescription
PurposeDefine the goal of your conversation (e.g., general information, advice, or casual chat).
SpecificityDetermine if your question should be broad or specific, and provide relevant context or details.
Level of DetailDecide if you want a brief summary or a detailed explanation, and request accordingly.
ClarityFrame your question to be clear and concise, minimizing ambiguity.
CreativityAsk open-ended or imaginative questions if you’re seeking creative responses.
Fact-check & UpdateRemember ChatGPT’s knowledge is up to September 2021; verify time-sensitive or recent information before relying on it.
By considering these categories and tailoring your questions accordingly, you can optimize your interactions with ChatGPT.

List of 100 diverse prompts that can help you engage with ChatGPT effectively

These prompts cover various topics and styles of questioning

  1. Explain the process of photosynthesis.
  2. What are the benefits of practicing mindfulness?
  3. How does the stock market work?
  4. Describe the plot of George Orwell’s “1984.”
  5. What is the significance of the Turing test?
  6. What are the primary causes of climate change?
  7. Can you provide a brief history of the internet?
  8. How do vaccines work in the human body?
  9. Explain the concept of time dilation in Einstein’s theory of relativity.
  10. What are the main differences between capitalism and socialism?
  11. How can I improve my time management skills?
  12. What are some strategies for reducing stress?
  13. Describe the life and achievements of Marie Curie.
  14. What are the key elements of a healthy diet?
  15. How do I change a flat tire on my car?
  16. Explain the three branches of the U.S. government.
  17. What are the primary colors and how do they mix to create other colors?
  18. Can you summarize the plot of Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”?
  19. What are the seven wonders of the ancient world?
  20. How does a combustion engine work?
  21. What is the importance of the First Amendment in the U.S. Constitution?
  22. What is the role of gut bacteria in human health?
  23. Describe the events leading up to World War II.
  24. What are some tips for learning a new language?
  25. Explain how solar panels convert sunlight into electricity.
  26. What are the key principles of the scientific method?
  27. Can you provide a basic overview of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology?
  28. How does the water cycle function on Earth?
  29. What is the process of cellular respiration?
  30. What are the main differences between plant and animal cells?
  31. Explain the significance of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States.
  32. What are the pros and cons of nuclear energy?
  33. Describe the structure and function of the human heart.
  34. How do black holes form and what happens inside them?
  35. What are the symptoms and treatments for anxiety disorders?
  36. Can you provide an overview of the history of space exploration?
  37. What are some effective ways to reduce single-use plastic waste?
  38. How do tornadoes form and what causes them?
  39. Explain the basic principles of quantum mechanics.
  40. Describe the key differences between introverts and extroverts.
  41. What are some tips for writing an engaging short story?
  42. How do I create a strong password and protect my online accounts?
  43. What are the most common nonverbal cues people use to communicate?
  44. Describe the major events of the French Revolution.
  45. What are the primary components of a computer system?
  46. How can I develop better public speaking skills?
  47. What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?
  48. Explain the importance of biodiversity and its impact on ecosystems.
  49. Describe the life and works of Leonardo da Vinci.
  50. How do I calculate the area of a circle?
  51. What are some effective study techniques to improve retention and understanding?
  52. Explain the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise.
  53. Describe the process of DNA replication.
  54. How does artificial intelligence learn and improve over time?
  55. What are the main differences between classical and operant conditioning?
  56. Explain the basic principles of supply and demand in economics.
  57. What are the key factors that contribute to the greenhouse effect?
  58. Can you provide a brief history of human rights movements?
  59. What are the main types of renewable energy sources?
  60. Describe the key elements of a well-structured argumentative essay.
  61. What are the best practices for managing a remote team?
  62. How do I grow vegetables in a small garden?
  63. What is the role of the United Nations in global politics?
  64. Explain the difference between weather and climate.
  65. Can you provide a brief history of jazz music?
  66. What are the stages of human development according to Erikson’s psychosocial theory?
  67. Describe the impact of the Industrial Revolution on society.
  68. What is the significance of the Fibonacci sequence in nature and mathematics?
  69. How can I practice effective active listening skills?
  70. Explain the basics of computer programming and coding languages.
  71. Describe the process of natural selection and evolution.
  72. What are the health benefits of regular exercise?
  73. What are some common logical fallacies to avoid in argumentation?
  74. Can you provide a brief overview of Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory?
  75. Explain the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources.
  76. How can I create a budget and improve my personal finances?
  77. What are the key principles of effective communication?
  78. Describe the major events and consequences of the Cold War.
  79. What are the primary functions of the human immune system?
  80. How does the electoral college system work in the United States?
  81. Explain the difference between fixed and growth mindsets.
  82. What are the major types of pollution and their effects on the environment?
  83. Describe the life and works of William Shakespeare.
  84. What are the main components of emotional intelligence?
  85. How do I prepare for a job interview and make a good impression?
  86. Explain the principles of Newton’s laws of motion.
  87. What are the benefits and risks of genetically modified organisms (GMOs)?
  88. Can you provide a brief history of the feminist movement?
  89. What are the basic elements of music theory?
  90. How do I create a successful marketing plan for my business?
  91. Describe the different types of memory and their functions in the human brain.
  92. What are the key concepts of Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity?
  93. How can I improve my problem-solving and critical thinking skills?
  94. Explain the basics of the periodic table and its organization.
  95. What are the most effective techniques for conflict resolution?
  96. Can you provide an overview of the major art movements throughout history?
  97. What are the primary differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration?
  98. How do I set and achieve SMART goals?
  99. Explain the basic principles of the law of conservation of energy.
  100. What are the main factors that contribute to global income inequality?
Prompting chatGPT. Main questions to ask. Categories, prompts and fields of application. Keywords and points of action
Prompting chatGPT. Main questions to ask. Categories, prompts and fields of application. Keywords and points of action

List of keywords and corresponding actions that summarize the 100 example prompts

  1. Photosynthesis – Explain the process
  2. Mindfulness – List benefits
  3. Stock market – Describe how it works
  4. 1984 – Summarize plot
  5. Turing test – Explain significance
  6. Climate change – Discuss causes
  7. Internet history – Provide an overview
  8. Vaccines – Explain mechanism
  9. Time dilation – Describe in relation to relativity
  10. Capitalism vs. Socialism – Compare and contrast
  11. Time management – Offer improvement strategies
  12. Stress reduction – Suggest techniques
  13. Marie Curie – Describe her life and achievements
  14. Healthy diet – Identify key elements
  15. Flat tire – Explain how to change
  16. U.S. government – Describe three branches
  17. Primary colors – Explain mixing
  18. Romeo and Juliet – Summarize plot
  19. Ancient wonders – List the seven
  20. Combustion engine – Describe functionality
  21. First Amendment – Explain importance
  22. Gut bacteria – Discuss role in health
  23. World War II – Describe events leading up to
  24. Language learning – Offer tips
  25. Solar panels – Explain electricity conversion
  26. Scientific method – Explain principles
  27. Cryptocurrency – Provide an overview
  28. Water cycle – Describe the process
  29. Cellular respiration – Explain the process
  30. Plant vs. Animal cells – Compare and contrast
  31. Civil Rights Movement – Explain significance
  32. Nuclear energy – Discuss pros and cons
  33. Human heart – Describe structure and function
  34. Black holes – Explain formation and inner workings
  35. Anxiety disorders – Discuss symptoms and treatments
  36. Space exploration history – Provide an overview
  37. Plastic waste reduction – Offer strategies
  38. Tornadoes – Explain formation and causes
  39. Quantum mechanics – Explain principles
  40. Introverts vs. Extroverts – Compare and contrast
  41. Short story – Offer writing tips
  42. Password protection – Offer security advice
  43. Nonverbal cues – List common examples
  44. French Revolution – Describe major events
  45. Computer system – Identify primary components
  46. Public speaking – Offer skill improvement tips
  47. Globalization – Discuss advantages and disadvantages
  48. Biodiversity – Explain importance and impact
  49. Leonardo da Vinci – Describe life and works
  50. Circle area – Explain calculation
  51. Study techniques – Suggest effective methods
  52. Aerobic vs. Anaerobic exercise – Compare and contrast
  53. DNA replication – Describe the process
  54. Artificial intelligence – Explain learning and improvement
  55. Conditioning – Compare classical and operant
  56. Supply and demand – Explain economic principles
  57. Greenhouse effect – Discuss contributing factors
  58. Human rights movements – Provide a brief history
  59. Renewable energy – List main types
  60. Argumentative essay – Offer structuring tips
  61. Remote team management – Discuss best practices
  62. Small garden – Offer vegetable growing tips
  63. United Nations – Discuss role in global politics
  64. Weather vs. Climate – Explain the difference
  65. Jazz music history – Provide a brief overview
  66. Erikson’s psychosocial theory – Describe human development stages
  67. Industrial Revolution – Discuss societal impact
  68. Fibonacci sequence – Explain significance in nature and math
  69. Active listening – Offer practice tips
  70. Computer programming – Explain basics and coding languages
  71. Natural selection – Describe the process and evolution
  72. Exercise – List health benefits
  73. Logical fallacies – List common examples to avoid
  74. Freud’s psychoanalytic theory – Provide an overview
  75. Renewable vs. Nonrenewable resources – Compare and contrast
  76. Budgeting – Offer personal finance improvement tips
  77. Effective communication – Discuss key principles
  78. Cold War – Describe major events and consequences
  79. Immune system – Discuss primary functions
  80. Electoral college – Explain how it works in the U.S.
  81. Fixed vs. Growth mindset – Explain the difference
  82. Pollution types – Discuss effects on the environment
  83. William Shakespeare – Describe life and works
  84. Emotional intelligence – Identify main components
  85. Job interview preparation – Offer tips for success
  86. Newton’s laws of motion – Explain principles
  87. GMOs – Discuss benefits and risks
  88. Feminist movement – Provide a brief history
  89. Music theory – Explain basic elements
  90. Marketing plan – Offer tips for business success
  91. Memory types – Describe functions in the human brain
  92. Theory of relativity – Explain key concepts
  93. Problem-solving – Offer skill improvement tips
  94. Periodic table – Explain basics and organization
  95. Conflict resolution – Discuss effective techniques
  96. Art movements – Provide an overview of major historical movements
  97. Aerobic vs. Anaerobic respiration – Compare and contrast
  98. SMART goals – Offer tips for setting and achieving
  99. Conservation of energy – Explain the basic principle
  100. Income inequality – Discuss main contributing factors

Summary of the major key points and points of interest from the 100 example prompts

  1. Scientific processes: Photosynthesis, cellular respiration, DNA replication, water cycle, natural selection
  2. Health and wellness: Mindfulness, healthy diet, exercise, gut bacteria, stress reduction, active listening, emotional intelligence
  3. Personal development: Time management, public speaking, problem-solving, critical thinking, goal setting, effective communication, conflict resolution
  4. Technology and innovation: Internet, vaccines, solar panels, artificial intelligence, computer systems, programming, renewable energy, GMOs
  5. Economics and finance: Stock market, capitalism vs. socialism, supply and demand, budgeting, marketing plan, income inequality
  6. History and culture: Major historical events (World War II, French Revolution, Civil Rights Movement, Cold War, etc.), art movements, music genres, literary works, feminist movement
  7. Science and mathematics: Quantum mechanics, relativity, Newton’s laws, conservation of energy, primary colors, periodic table, Fibonacci sequence
  8. Politics and society: U.S. government, United Nations, globalization, human rights, electoral college system
  9. Psychology and personality: Introverts vs. extroverts, conditioning, memory types, Freud’s theory, Erikson’s theory, fixed vs. growth mindset
  10. Environment and sustainability: Climate change, biodiversity, nuclear energy, pollution, plastic waste reduction, renewable vs. nonrenewable resources
These points provide a condensed overview of the diverse topics and areas of interest covered in the example prompts.
Prompting chatGPT. Main questions to ask. Categories, prompts and fields of application. Keywords and points of action
Prompting chatGPT. Main questions to ask. Categories, prompts and fields of application. Keywords and points of action

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