AI, civilization and ancient wisdom
AI, civilization and ancient wisdom. Some questions and brief answers
AI related fields and KEW stories
AI related fields and KEW stories. Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Linguistics, Biology, Physics, social sciences
AI, Ancestry, and DNA
The Intersection in Modern GenealogyGenealogy, the study of family history… Read More »AI, Ancestry, and DNA
The real unknown remains unknown
The real unknown remains unknown, right? Dark Matter And Dark Energy, Riemann Hypothesis, Nature of Consciousness, Origin of Life, Theory of Everything, Quantum Gravity, P vs. NP Problem
Knowledge and insight from observing ancient structures
Knowledge and insight from observing ancient structures. A wealth of mathematical and engineering wisdom
Can we say that God is the Ultimate “X”
The concept of God and the UnknownThe concept of God… Read More »Can we say that God is the Ultimate “X”
“X” and The Origin of Life
Unlocking the EnigmaIn the vast expanse of the cosmos, our… Read More »“X” and The Origin of Life
AI and multidiscipline Science
AI and multidiscipline Science. Views of experts on artificial intelligence and their fields of appliction. Pros, cons and points of action.
AI, Multidiscipline Biographies, Ideas and Books
AI, Multidiscipline Biographies, Ideas and Books By Doherty, Picard, Cassell, Ekmanh, Ekman, Kahneman, Ekman, Fei-Fei Li, Behrmann, el Kaliouby