The Two Sides of History: Why Objective and Relative Approaches are Both Necessary
The Two Sides of History: Why Objective and Relative Approaches are Both Necessary
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The Two Sides of History: Why Objective and Relative Approaches are Both Necessary
Difference between objective and relative history. Two faces of the same coin.
AI and reality. Augmented, virtual, data-driven, objective, subjective. Ethical considerations, human percepetion, cognitive biases
AI and GOD raises philosophical, theological and ethical questions in different fields of application including morality and reason
What is divine. What is divinity. Divinity through Anthropology, History, Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy, Theology and Spirituality
Difference between faith and belief . What inspires and motivates humans in general?
Difference between dependence and addiction. Social, emotional. Financial, cultural, technolgical, intellectual dependence. Understanding the differences.
AI and addiction. Video games, social media, algorithms. How they induce and help prevent addiction.