AI, Multidiscipline Biographies, Ideas and Books
AI, Multidiscipline Biographies, Ideas and Books By Doherty, Picard, Cassell, Ekmanh, Ekman, Kahneman, Ekman, Fei-Fei Li, Behrmann, el Kaliouby
AI is a magnificient tool when stirred with knowledge and wisdom. This site is made with help of AI tools. Enjoy the beauty!
AI, Multidiscipline Biographies, Ideas and Books By Doherty, Picard, Cassell, Ekmanh, Ekman, Kahneman, Ekman, Fei-Fei Li, Behrmann, el Kaliouby
Key factors to preserve information, also from monopolization, bias, or falsification. Importance of context.
Criteria for Quality Information. What information should be. Accuracy, Reliability, Relevance, Completeness, Timeliness, Clarity, Objectivity, Factual
Information Opinion Interpretation. Relationship between data, subjective views, preconceptions. Communication. Decision-making.
AI and the creative process. Ideation, Experimentation, Execution., Challenges. Journey of the creator. Creative seeking direction. AI tools.
Privacy invasion and Ethical implications. Human rights, autonomy, and the social contract
AI street art Gallery. Whatbis street art, its best known artists. A comparison table. The kaleidoscope of urban expressions
AI as a Moral Agent
Navigating Knowledge, Conscience, and Choice Beyond Programming
Illuminating the Mind
AI’s Quest to Understand Consciousness. Soul, moral agency
AI and the Shroud of Turin. Analytic methods regarding origins, age, composition, characreristics , provenance, meaning, history, controverses and ethical considerations